3 Ways To Uplevel Your Real Estate Social Media And Grab More Attention 

Picture of Jess Lenouvel Sitting on a Rock Smiling to the Camera | Real Estate Social Media | The Listings Lab

Let’s talk about attention.

Not just any attention—the kind that makes your ideal clients stop scrolling and start engaging.

Because when it comes to marketing your real estate services on social media, here’s the harsh truth…

You’re not just competing with other agents for attention.

You’re competing with the Kardashians and Taylor Swift for those precious seconds of screen time.

Everyone’s online feeds are highly saturated. We’re so inundated with content that we become very picky with what we choose to consume.

The Problem with Traditional Real Estate Content

Before we dive into solutions, let’s address why most real estate content fails to capture attention.

It’s plain and simple…

Most real estate content is incredibly boring and generic.

We’ve got agents out there introducing themselves like they’re at a corporate board meeting: “Hello, my name is John Smith from XYZ Realty, and I am here to talk to you today about…”

Let’s be honest – who’s sticking around to hear the rest of that?

This kind of content lacks personality. People want to connect with you, not a corporate robot. It also doesn’t include any clear value proposition. Why should they care about your content? If you can’t answer that in the first three seconds, you’ve lost them.

So how can you break through the noise?

You need to become a master at capturing attention.

You need to start thinking of yourself as a marketer first, and a real estate agent second.

Let’s break down how you can go from forgettable to scroll-stopping so you can sign more ideal clients online.👇🏼

The Three Pillars of Attention-Grabbing Content

When it comes to capturing attention on social media, there are three key elements you need to master: 

  1. Visual Hooks
  2. Content or Copy Hooks
  3. Creative Imagery 

Let’s break these down and see how you can use each one to stop the scroll and keep people’s eyes on your content.

1. Visual Hooks

Visual hooks are all about catching the eye and then keeping it. The key here is movement. Start your videos with action—sit down in a chair, walk through a door, do something unexpected.

Static, face-to-camera intros are dead. You need to grab attention from the first second.

But it’s not just about how you start your videos. It’s about keeping things visually interesting throughout. Use B-roll footage to break up talking head videos. Just remember, even with great visuals, you still need a strong hook at the top of your content.

Don’t get complacent with your backdrop, either. If you’re always in the same spot, your audience will begin to tune you out. Switch up your background regularly. Don’t just record video after video at your desk.

Record yourself while walking, change your filming locations, and experiment with different angles. 

Another way to capture attention is to subtly change your appearance. Wear different outfits, switch up your glasses, and give visual cues that this is new, fresh content.

Sometimes, the simplest movements can be enough. Start a video by putting on your glasses or taking them off. Begin a video with you applying lip gloss. It’s that easy.

Remember, movement catches the eye and keeps it. Make your visuals dynamic and engaging.

2. Content or Copy Hooks

Your words are powerful tools for grabbing attention. Forget about announcing what you’re going to talk about. Instead, make your audience unable to look away.

Use hook formulas that create curiosity, urgency, or even a bit of controversy.

Consider starting with something like, “You’re not going to believe what I just found…”
or, “First-time homebuyers have been lied to…”. 

These hooks are significantly more compelling than the standard “I want to talk to you today about…” approach. They immediately engage the reader and create a desire to learn more.

If you’re not sure your headlines are cutting it, use a tool like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer. It’ll give you a reality check on how engaging your titles really are. But fair warning: you might be a little disappointed when you see your scores!

Want to up your headline game? Check out this guide to mastering your real estate headlines. 

But remember, it takes more than just a good hook to get people to keep reading. Embrace storytelling in your content to keep people engaged. People connect with narratives more than facts.

And instead of recording stiff videos, be conversational. Talk like you’re chatting with a friend, not giving a corporate presentation.

3. Creative Imagery

Your images can make or break your content. Ditch the boring headshots and black-and-white photos. Use color to grab attention. Show your face, but make it interesting. Funny expressions, action shots, or behind-the-scenes pictures work well! 

If you’re using carousels, make sure the front image has your face in it. We’ve tested this a million different ways, and it always performs better.

And when it comes to editing, less is more. People want to see the real you, not an overly polished version. We’ve all seen those over-edited pictures where you think, “Did you put ten filters on this before you posted it?”

Use images that tell a story or evoke emotion. Remember, your visuals should support your message, not distract from it.

The Million-Dollar Question

Ask yourself this: Would you stop scrolling to read your own content?

If the answer is no, it’s time to make it more powerful.

Look at the content creators you actually enjoy following. What makes them stand out? How can you incorporate those elements into your own style?

You’re not just a real estate agent anymore. You’re a content creator, a storyteller, and above all – a marketer.

Your job? Make people stop, look, and engage. 

Ready to transform your real estate marketing and become a true attention architect?

The strategies we’ve discussed are just the beginning. If you’re serious about building a seven-figure real estate business, The Listings Lab is your next step.

Book a call with our team to see if our program is right for you. We’ll help you master the art of attention-grabbing marketing and dominate your marketplace in just 90 days.

Your future clients are waiting – it’s time to get in front of them.

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