My Easy Two-Part Formula to Batch 30 Real Estate Content Ideas For Social Media in One Day

Picture of Jess Lenouvel Smiling | Real Estate Content Ideas | The Listings Lab

Is coming up with content ideas for social media a constant struggle?

As a busy real estate agent, you’re juggling property showings, client negotiations, and prospecting.

Finding time to consistently create engaging social media content can feel like an impossible task.

You sit down at your computer after a busy day to create content and think:

What on earth should I post today?

If this scenario sounds familiar, you’re not alone. 

Many agents struggle to consistently create content their audience loves. Content that gets engagement, and people reaching out asking to work with them.

But here’s the thing:

Content creation is a muscle that you need to grow and develop over time. 

The more you do it, the better you get at it. And the more consistent you are with it, the easier it will become.

And that’s where content batching comes in.

Imagine setting aside just one day to create an entire month’s worth of social media content. No more daily scrambling for ideas or feeling guilty about neglecting your online presence.

In this post, I’ll show you a simple two-part formula that will help you batch 30 real estate content ideas for social media in a single day.

By the end, you’ll have a month’s worth of posts ready to go, saving you time and stress while keeping your followers engaged and strengthening your content creation muscle.

Here’s how to reclaim your time, supercharge your social media strategy, and never run out of posts again. 👇🏼

Understand WHO You’re Targeting In Your Content

Before you can start coming up with content ideas, there’s one thing you need first:

You need a clear understanding of who exactly your ideal client is. 

Most agents are too general in their marketing. 

It’s not enough to say, “I’m a real estate agent in X-City and I want to help you buy or sell your home.”

A zip code is not a niche. 

When you try to speak to everyone, you end up speaking to no one. 

You have to figure out exactly what WHO it is you want to target with your content. 

Are you looking to help couples buy a home to expand their family? 

Or maybe people looking to downsize from a home to a condo in your city? 

Get specific.

Figure out what demographic you’re targeting in your content so you can speak directly to them and their unique needs.

Conduct Market Research

Once you’ve nailed down your ideal client avatar, your content needs to solve their problems. 

A simple rule for creating high-converting content is to stop making it about you. 

You’re not making content for yourself or other agents. It’s all for your ideal client. 

Forget about what you want to talk about and focus instead on only creating content that your audience wants to hear. 

To do this you need to be conducting market research. 

Market research allows you to get to understand your clients’ struggles, issues, hesitations, and more. 

For example, you can offer free 1-on-1 Zoom interviews. Not only would these allow your prospects to ask you questions, but it also gives you an opportunity to really get to know them. 

You’ll get a feel for their pain points and the precise language they use to describe their struggles.

Then, create content made specifically for them by using that same language to phrase your social media posts. 

By continually conducting market research, you can be sure your content will always be relevant. Plus, you’ll maintain your connection with your audience.

 To get their market research started, we give our members a worksheet of the most powerful market research questions. Join The Listings Lab to receive your copy today.

Two-Part Formula to Create 30 Real Estate Content Ideas

Now that you know your audience and their struggles, start creating your content ideas for social media with this simple two-part formula:

Problems + Solutions = Topics

1. Brainstorm and list 30 client problems. 

Start by carving out some time to brainstorm and list 30 client problems. 

Look back on your client interviews and let yourself brainstorm freely. 

Don’t rush and don’t censor yourself. Just do a full mind dump of every problem and issue your audience has mentioned until you have a list of at least 30 problems. 

Each problem becomes the skeleton for a new post.

Now keep in mind – your niche may not have 30 different probelms that you’re qualified to solve, BUT think of each problem in a different perspective to come up with different angles for it to make it it’s own topic!

2. Write down solutions for each client problem. 

For every problem on your list, write out a simple solution. 

If you’re feeling inspired, write down 2-3 solutions each. 

The key here is to make sure these solutions are ones YOU can offer. 

By working through this exercise, you’re creating high-level concepts for all of the topics and content that you can create. 

Even if your first round of doing this wasn’t great, you can always come back to it later. 

Revisit the list with fresh eyes and new perspectives whenever you need to so you never run out of content ideas. 

For an in-depth look at how to structure a real estate social media post your audience will love, check out this post: 5 Main Elements Of An Engaging Real Estate Caption For Social Media.

Take It A Step Further: Tie In Your Signature System 

In The Listings Lab, we teach agents how to create a signature system.

A signature system is YOUR unique method to get your clients from problem 👉🏼result. 

To take the two-step content creation formula further, make sure you tie in your signature system. 

As you’re writing out your solutions, think about how you can incorporate your service, positioning it as the answer to their pain points. 

How is your system the solution to each of these 30 problems?

Add your answer to your content idea list.

Now, not only are you providing value in your social media posts, you’re also showcasing how your service is the BEST choice to help them get the results they’re looking for.

Schedule a “Content Day” In Your Calendar 

Creating 30 content ideas in a day might seem like a daunting task. 

However, it’s something you need to prioritize to have a winning content strategy.

By scheduling a content day into your calendar, you can make this task feel more manageable. 

Start by blocking off half a day to brainstorm your initial list of client problems. 

Then, schedule the second half of your day to be dedicated to writing out the solutions. 

You can even split this up over the course of two days if needed. 

The key is to take action and just start. 

Watching trainings and gathering information is useless if you don’t implement it. 

So, make it a point to add time into your calendar and commit to working on your content planning. 

Get Yourself Into A Creative Headspace

If you’re struggling with content planning, try getting away from your desk. 

Sometimes, the least creative place to be is in your office. That’s where you’re all about business, systems, and closing deals. 

It’s okay if you need to pack your laptop and some headphones and get out for the day to get into a more creative headspace.

Head to your favorite café or go work in the park. 

Find a place where you can feel relaxed without distractions. 

Creating content in a new environment can help stimulate the brain and spark new ideas. 

So, find that creative spot, settle in, and let the content ideas flow. 

Run Each Post Through A Different “Lens”

When it comes to creating social media posts, one of the biggest things I hear agents say is:

“I can’t do [this topic] again! I’ve already done a post about this!”

But the thing is, you don’t always have to post something new. 

In fact, repeating yourself and delivering the same message over and over again is not a weakness. It becomes your strength. 

Take the problems + solutions you’ve listed and run them through a different lens to create different post types. 

For example, let’s say the problem you’ve brainstormed is as follows. 👇🏼

Problem: Your clients say…

We want to sell our house, but our furniture is outdated. We’re worried about how it will affect our ability to sell! 

Maybe you’ve brainstormed the following solution. 👇🏼

Solution: Not to worry! Using my proprietary “Sell With Ease” System, we actually have home stagers come in as part of the process to get your home decor in tip-top shape. 

Now, you could turn this content post into multiple post types:

  • Authority building: Showcase how your signature system, which includes professional staging, solves their problem. This could be an educational carousel post explaining each step of your “Sell With Ease” process.
  • Social Proof: Share testimonials from past clients who were initially worried about their outdated furniture but had great success selling their homes through your system. This could be a series of quote graphics or short video testimonials.
  • Storytelling: Create a narrative that takes your audience on a journey. For instance, tell the story of a couple who were hesitant to sell due to outdated furniture, how they discovered your service, and the successful outcome. This could be a longer-form post or even an email campaign.
  • Behind-the-scenes: Offer a glimpse into your unique process. Share behind the scenes clips in B-Roll of homes before and after your team’s staging efforts, highlighting how this step fits into your overall selling strategy. This could make for a great Instagram reel – you could even add a voice-over!
  • Tips and Tricks: Provide advice on simple things homeowners can do to complement the professional staging you arrange. This could be a list post of “5 Easy Ways to Prepare Your Home for Staging.”
  • Myth-busting: Address common misconceptions about selling homes with outdated furniture. Create content debunking myths like “You need to completely refurnish your home to sell”.

By delivering the same information over and over again but in different ways, you’re reinforcing your message and showcasing how your service works and the answer.

Not only will it help bring new clients to your doorstep, it will strengthen your value and your expertise to the people who already follow you. 

Maybe a certain topic didn’t connect with them when you shared it before By sharing it again in another way, it gives your audience another opportunity to connect with your content. 

When you follow this formula, you’ll have a solid base of 30 or more real estate posts for social media.

Then, all you have left to do is schedule your posts and show up in your stories.

With time, content planning will become much easier, more fun, and less of a mental drain. 

Ready to start signing consistent deals from social media each month?

Click here to book a FREE call with our team and let’s chat about how to turn social media into your #1 lead generation tool for your real estate business.

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