How Paul Tripled His Revenue And Built A Scaleable Real Estate Business

Are you ready to learn how to scale your real estate business to 7 figures? It’s time real estate agents work smarter…not harder.

Meet our Listings Lab member, Paul. His business has tripled since joining The Listings Lab and is growing FAST! Plus, he’s working half as hard as he used to! 

He’s dropped the old-school hustle-and-grind mentality and automated his real estate business to work for him. 

Now he’s watching his business grow while using his time smartly to focus on aspects of his business that he enjoys. 

Check out What Paul did to make this change possible!

He Ditched Traditional Lead Gen Methods

Like many agents, Paul had previously been coached on old-school lead generation tactics like cold-calling and manual prospecting.

He had to spend two hours every single day cold-calling, and he was miserable!

He’d have to call 50+ people and 90% of them would be annoyed he was calling or would hang up on him without giving him the time of day. 

Lead generation used to fill Paul with dread.

But ever since he implemented The Listings Lab Method in his business and prioritized scalable marketing methods, attracting leads has felt infinitely easier.

He ditched manual, 1-1 lead generation techniques and now markets using 1-many strategies.

He Embraced Attraction Marketing 

By joining The Listings Lab, he was able to build a business based on attracting leads rather than chasing them.

He now has highly qualified leads coming to HIM rather than having to spend hours hunting them down each day. 

Back in his cold-calling days, he’d have to touch base with a lead 5-7 times before they even started to remember who he was.

Whereas with attraction marketing, you’re able to accelerate the relationship and nurture clients through your online content.

People feel a deeper connection to you even if you’ve never met in real life.

Paul’s able to post about the Leafs on his stories and have a conversation in his DMs about hockey, and then all of a sudden, it naturally leads into a real estate conversation.

He’s able to build genuine relationships with clients by finding common ground and interests.

He’s now able to talk about his passions, like hockey, and sign clients off Instagram rather than get hung up on 30 times a day…

And he couldn’t be happier about it. 

Attraction marketing didn’t just help him bring in new leads.

It also helped him re-engage old friends and connections through his online content. 

By switching to an attraction marketing model, Paul’s been able to free up a ton of time and step away from spending hours on lead gen each day!

He’s now able to spend more time with family and on scaling his business for even more freedom.

He Built His Personal Brand

If you want to scale your real estate business exponentially, there’s no way around it…

You need to build your personal brand online and embrace content creation. 

Manual prospecting and relying on referrals will only get you so far. 

Being omnipresent through your content allows you to constantly stay “top of mind” to your clients.

You don’t HAVE to manually follow up and touch base. Your content and ads do that for you.

The key is being strategic with the real estate content you’re posting on social media.

Paul states that one of his biggest takeaways from The Listings Lab was learning how to put the human touch into his content. 

He says his best posts have actually been the ones where he opened up and practiced vulnerability in his content. 

By doing this, he’d get tons of messages from potential leads and clients who’d gone through similar things.

Before joining the program he’d only seen other coaches teaching how to share generic, ‘vanilla’ real estate content.

He even thought social media was fake because so many agents only share a perfectly filtered, curated image of what they want the world to see. 

Paul learned how to create engaging content rather than posting the same market stats every other agent is posting. And his engagement has skyrocketed since!

He learned a huge lesson which was that most people just want to work with people they genuinely like. 

The Listings Lab taught him how to show up as his true self in his content and attract perfect-fit clients.

He Started Attracting Premium Clients

There was another incredible effect the strategies learned in The Listings Lab had on Paul’s business.

He was able to totally eliminate price shoppers.

Soon after going all-in on real estate marketing, Paul began attracting a higher caliber of clients.

His clients genuinely want to be working with him. Not just the agent who will give them the cheapest deal.

He no longer has to deal with negotiators and discount seekers.

Want to hear about more success stories just like Paul’s?

Read dozens of reviews and client testimonials to learn how agents are successfully scaling their businesses to multi-6 figures and beyond using The Listings Lab method. 


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