Facebook Page vs Profile: Which One Is Better For Real Estate Agents?

Picture of Jess Lenouvel Speaking at the Her TLL Live Event Conference | Facebook Page vs Profile | The Listings Lab

So you’re a real estate agent who wants to start using Facebook to get more business…

But you’re not sure if you need a Facebook Business Page or if you should just stick to using your Facebook personal profile?

I’ve been asked this question thousands of times by members of The Listings Lab, so I’ve got answers!

Stick around to keep reading about how you should be using your Facebook personal profile and Facebook business page for optimal results.

If you haven’t been getting any leads on Facebook, don’t worry…

I’ll also be giving you some tips on how to optimize your Facebook profile to turn it into a conversion machine.

Let’s go!

Facebook Business Page For Real Estate Agents

When many real estate agents decide they want to use Facebook to market their services, they go ahead and create a Facebook Business Page.

They start posting content there, but quickly realize it’s very difficult to gain traction.

Their posts are getting next to no reach or engagement.

They start to wonder…

Is Facebook even worth it for real estate?

Here’s the deal…👇🏼

Out of all of the social platforms, your Facebook Business Page is always going to have the lowest reach.

This doesn’t necessarily mean your content is bad. It might perform very well on a platform like Instagram or even your Facebook personal profile.

Most people are using their Facebook Business Pages to run paid ads. Therefore, organic content doesn’t do very well there. It’s very much a “pay to play” game when it comes to your Facebook page.

Facebook Personal Profile For Real Estate Agents

Your Facebook Personal Profile, on the other hand, is usually going to have much better reach.

Because personal profiles aren’t aimed at businesses (who Facebook wants to run ads!) you’re able to have your community see your posts, without being restricted by low reach.

You might be thinking:

But won’t only my FB friends see my posts, rather than other people from my audience/newsfeed?

And yes – that’s right.

But here’s what you need to remember.👇🏼

You can add up to 5,000 Facebook friends.

That’s a lot of people! You can build a solid network on Facebook with the right strategies.

For example, if you’re active in different neighborhood Facebook groups, you can network there and then add friends with members once you’ve built up some rapport.

I talk about this strategy in my post: 5 Unique Real Estate Marketing Ideas To Grow Your Audience. 

So…Should Realtors Use A Facebook Business Page Or Personal Profile?

Now you might be wondering:

If reach is so low on my Facebook Business page, is it even worth having one? Or should I just stick to using my Facebook personal profile?

Even though you shouldn’t expect to get much traction on your Facebook Business page, I still recommend having one.

It’s not a question of whether you should have a Facebook Business page or a Facebook personal profile. You should have BOTH. However, the way you use these two marketing channels is very different.

Think of your Facebook Business page as more of a website. It should house all of your important information and be optimized in case someone searches for it.

It’s also important to set this up as you’ll need it when you decide to run Facebook ads for your real estate business.

Even if you don’t plan on running ads now, you want to have this set up for when you decide to run them in the future.

Your Facebook personal profile should also be optimized, and it’s the place where you want to focus on posting organic content.

You can then use your Facebook personal profile as a networking tool. You can add friends who seem like they would be in your target market, whether that’s from Facebook Groups or local searches.

When they accept your friend request, they’ll then begin seeing your content, nurturing them , nurturing them into potential leads, and building your real estate network organically.

How To Optimize Your Facebook Personal Profile For Conversions

You want to start thinking of your Facebook Personal profile as a mini sales funnel.

Start asking yourself:

What do my ideal clients need to see in order to be ready to hire me?

Most agents don’t do this.

In fact, their social profiles are actually set up to attract other agents.

Remember how I said you can add up to 5,000 friends on Facebook?

If you have 1,000 friends who are other agents, you’re using up precious space that could be reserved for other potemtial clients.

You need to switch your mindset and start viewing your Facebook personal profile as a place to attract and convert CLIENTS – not share memes and get laughs from other agents.

So how do you do that?

It starts with optimizing your profile.

Here are the three elements a perfectly-optimized profile must have.

  1. Niche-focused cover photo of you (relaxed and personable) that’s not a headshot
  2. Value Proposition statement clearly displayed
  3. Value-driven call-to-action

Let’s take a look at an example from one of our successful members of The Listings Lab! 

Picture of a Real Estate Student Facebook Profile | Facebook Page vs Profile | The Listings Lab

Niche-focused cover photo of you

As you can see, Ashley’s cover photo is perfectly optimized for her ideal client.  Rather than choosing a stuffy, corporate headshot, she’s chosen one where she appears friendly and approachable. She’s relaxed and smiling, inviting her ideal client in to learn more.

Value Proposition statement clearly displayed

Ashley’s value proposition is clearly displayed on the right side of her cover photo. In one simple sentence, she shares *exactly* how she helps her ideal client. She also showcases her signature system – the Alignment method.

READ MORE: How To Craft A Real Estate Value Proposition That Secures Listings

Value-driven call-to-action

Ashley’s call to action is one of the first things you see when you land on her profile. Her CTA directs us to download her free guide, which serves as a valuable lead magnet to attract and engage potential clients while showcasing her expertise.

BONUS: Your Location

This might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many agents forget to include their location in their Facebook personal profile or Instagram bio.

This is a key piece of information that tells ideal clients whether or not you can help them. Don’t overlook it!

Together, all of these pieces tell your ideal clients whether or not they should follow you.

Remember, you only have three seconds for someone to decide whether or not you’re from them. With these three elements optimized, your ideal clients will decide you’re worth the follow and then begin consuming your content.

Your content will then nurture them into becoming potential clients, building trust and establishing your expertise in their minds over time.

Leveraging Facebook effectively as a real estate agent requires a strategic approach using both your personal profile and business page. While your business page serves as an information hub and a platform for future ad campaigns, your personal profile is your primary tool for organic reach and networking.

By implementing these strategies, you can transform your Facebook presence into a powerful lead-generation tool. It’s not about choosing between a personal profile or a business page – it’s about using both effectively to grow your real estate business.

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