Jess Lenouvel

How Agents Can Embrace Omnipresent Marketing And Dominate The Newsfeeds Of Their Ideal Clients

Omnipresent marketing isn’t just a buzzword.

It’s a powerful marketing strategy that can help you become the go-to agent in your ideal client’s mind. 

When you ditch manual, unscalable marketing techniques like cold calling and constant prospecting and embrace omnipresent marketing:

  • You’ll effortlessly attract highly-targeted leads that are *obsessed* with your services.

You can say goodbye to commission hagglers and say hello to prospects that see you as the only agent they want to work with.

Ready to learn how?

Read on to get the full lowdown on omnipresent marketing and how to embrace this powerful real estate marketing strategy.

The Listings Lab Blog Image - Omnipresent Marketing

^ A testimonial to the power of omnipresence from one of our members in The Listings Labs! 😉 

What Is Omnipresent Marketing? 

Omnipresence is when you literally appear—or at least seem to appear—everywhere in your prospect’s life. You dominate their screen. There are three components to this concept.

  1. Timing
  2. Frequency
  3. Platform

The goal of marketing is always to be in the right place at the right time. What you’re doing is getting your messaging in front of people so consistently and so frequently that, in your client’s eyes, you feel like their only choice to get the help they need to buy or sell their home. 

You want to be top of mind at all times. 

You’re not just appearing out of the blue when your prospect is trying to make a decision. You’re showing up, offering value, and building a relationship so that by the time they are actually ready to make a transition, you’re the only choice for them. Because you’re the only person who has actually spoken to their specific problems, fears, and desires. 

That’s how you eliminate competition, commission haggling, and clients who think of you as a glorified doorman.

How To Implement An Omnipresent Marketing Strategy 

For the most part, omnipresent marketing requires you to embrace online marketing.

You want to show up everywhere your prospects go online…to the point that they see you two to five times a day. 

This is done through targeting, retargeting, organic social media, and email. 

I’m sure you’ve experienced this phenomenon before in your own life.

Maybe you’ve gone to Amazon and clicked on a pool table you were considering buying for your family. 

What happens next?

After browsing, the only other ads you’re getting for the next two weeks are ALL about pool tables.

This happens because you’ve been “pixeled,” so that business can now follow you around the internet. 

As agents, we can use the same method—retargeting people with various types of psychological content to take someone from a stranger to a client with automation. 

Sending the right message, to the right person, at the right time, on the right platform. This gets people to build that “know, like, and trust” factor with you without ever realizing it. 

Why Omnipresent Marketing? 

Traditional real estate lead generation methods, including geo-farming, are outdated means of Omnipresence. Sure, they’re ways to stay top of mind, but they’re not targeted. 

It all goes back to basic psychology. The human brain is said to be able to quickly remember only two names in any industry.

Don’t believe me? Close your eyes and tell me two brands of sneakers.

Ninety-nine percent of the people are going to say “Nike” and “Adidas.” 

Why? Because those brands are omnipresent. You want to achieve that same effect in your target market. You want to be the first person your ideal clients  think of when it comes to real estate. 

Here are three effects that make omnipresent marketing SO powerful. 

Omnipresence And The Mere Exposure Effect 

Omnipresence also builds trust through something called the mere exposure effect. 

The mere exposure effect states that when the human brain is exposed to the same person over and over again, we build trust with that person. While it’s a horrible example, this is closely related to Stockholm Syndrome (about people bonding with their captives). 

Omnipresence And The Reciprocity Principle 

We also build trust through omnipresent marketing by giving before we ask – otherwise known as serving before we sell

Think about it like this.

You would never walk up to a complete stranger on the street and ask them for something (unless you were having an emergency)… or would you? 

But almost all of today’s real estate marketing asks for something—“Call me”—before the agent has given anything more than a picture of their head. 

Being omnipresent means you give value over and over again so that when you do eventually ask for something, it doesn’t feel like such a hard ask. The element of reciprocity is already there. 

Omnipresence And The Halo Of Success 

Finally, Omnipresence also works so well because of what I call the “halo of success.” 

This effect refers to the fact that people usually want to work with those who are trusted and successful. So, here’s an example: 

Let’s say that “Sally” sees “John,” the real estate agent, two to five times per day online. 

Sally might assume that everyone in the entire market is also seeing John that much. 

She’ll probably even think, “Wow, he runs a lot of ads. He’s everywhere. He must be spending a fortune. If he’s spending that much money, then the ads must be working. If the ads are working, he must be really successful, and he must be the person I should talk to.”

What Sally doesn’t realize is that John is placing those ads in front of the people who are relevant. It’s a much smaller audience than just “everyone” and retargeting is actually very cheap to do. It’s the big fish/small pond effect—and it can work quickly. You can become the authority in that niche practically overnight. 

What Platforms Can I Use For Omnipresent Marketing? 

For most savvy agents, Omnipresence starts with retargeting on Facebook. But that’s just one channel. You can also use YouTube, email ad networks, Instagram, Google, and LinkedIn—they’re all channels where you can show up for your audience. 

Omnipresence is about concentrating a good portion of your advertising on someone only after they’ve become a lead. 


Because doing so gives you a much better chance of converting that lead to a client. Take a small number of leads and increase your relevancy by being in front of them 

  • With the right timing
  • The right frequency
  • And on the right platform

And you’ll no longer have to go out and chase after leads.

You’ll have them come to YOU. 

This is, by the way, also how we bring people into our community in The Listings Lab. Every person who comes into one of our programs is a living, breathing testament to the power of Omnipresence.


Want to build your own powerful, omnipresent marketing machine that helps you attract leads like wildfire?

We’ll coach you how in The Listings Lab.

Get more details and apply here. 

9 Signs You Should Quit Real Estate (Trigger Warning)

I’m going to start this post off with a trigger warning.

I honestly believe that 50% of agents should quit real estate. 

Now, I know that might sound harsh.

But the industry has become saturated with people – many of whom are bringing the real estate industry down as a whole.

There are certain types of agents who will never be successful.

They’ll never build the big, automated real estate business of their dreams.

Want to make sure you’re cut out to build a 7-figure business?

Keep reading to learn the biggest traits that prevent agents from reaching their income goals.

1. People think the industry is against them

Agents that think the industry is out to get them should not be agents. Period.

I’m not saying that real estate businesses don’t have their challenges.

But many agents like to act like real estate is one of the most difficult industries in the world.

Real estate isn’t rocket science. 

If you’d rather complain about how hard real estate is than learn how to build a streamlined, automated business…you’re not cut out to scale, and you may as well quit real estate.

2. People who only do 5-10 deals a year

I know this opinion is controversial.

And I also want you to understand…

I’m not saying you have to live and breathe real estate. 

In fact, real estate isn’t even my #1 passion in life. I see real estate as a vehicle to create the life of your dreams.

But if you’re someone who wants to do real estate on a very part-time basis

I.e. → you don’t have the desire to get automated systems in place, you don’t want to grow a team, you only want to do the odd deal here and there…

Well, all you’re doing is diluting the market.

You’re taking deals away from the people who are 100% committed to their real estate business.

The people who are all in –  who’ve made it their mission to create the highest level of service and to be the best version of themselves.

THOSE are the people who are going to get the best results possible for their clients. They have the infrastructure in place to do so.

If you’ve got one foot in and one foot out when it comes to your real estate business, you need to make a decision.

Either decide to give this thing your all and elevate your business – or quit real estate altogether.

3. People who blame their brokerage/blame others

Being a successful real estate agent means taking 100% radical responsibility for your business.

Not blaming the market

Not blaming your clients

Not blaming your broker

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard “Well, I joined X,Y,Z brokerage and they said they were going to help me!!”

Your broker isn’t responsible for your business.

Your broker is responsible for processing your transactions and getting you paid. That’s it. 

Sure, there are brokerages out there with excellent training programs or who do a little extra to help out their agents.

But if you go into real estate with the mindset that your brokerage is what will help you secure business, you’ll never find the success you’re looking for. 

Stop giving your power away. Get out there and source and find the information you need to transform your business. If you’re waiting for someone else to build your business, you may as well quit real estate.

4. Agents who refuse to challenge the status quo

Let me ask you an honest question.

Are you truly innovating in your real estate business?

Or are you resting on your laurels?

I’ve heard so many agents tell me that because they have 10, 20, or 30 years of experience…that should be enough to consistently get them business.

But do you really have ten years of experience?

Or do you have one year of experience repeated ten times? 

Because so many people just do the same thing over and over. 

They’re not challenging themselves. They’re not growing. And they actually just have one year of experience that they keep recycling. 

Doing the bare minimum and expecting something to change is the definition of insanity. 

5. Agents who rely on referrals alone

This is another one of my opinions that really ruffles feathers, but I’m going to share it anyway.

For so long in this industry, we’ve glorified real estate referrals. 

When you rely too heavily on referrals, you’re relying on other people to secure business FOR you.

At the end of the day, you’re not in control of your marketing, your lead flow – AKA the lifeblood of your business.

Could you imagine if Nike relied on referrals?

If Amazon decided not to advertise and said their customers will do that work for them instead?

They would never, because they’re running real businesses. 

To scale a business, you need predictability in your lead flow.

Referrals leave it completely up to chance.

6. Agents who treat their business revenue like their salary

This is a hard one for so many agents to wrap their heads around.

Your commissions are not your income. Your commissions are the business’ income.

You pay yourself out of the proceeds.

If you view your commissions as your personal income, you will be emotionally attached to money. Money that you SHOULD be using to invest into growing your business. 

Real businesses do not consider all revenue to be personal income of the CEO. 

7. Agents who refuse to face their fears

I’m not saying this one is easy.

Running a business is one of the greatest exercises in personal growth and development.

And it can be downright HARD.

Take it from someone who came out of an absolutely horrible physically and mentally abusive relationship. 

I had to start from nothing. 

There are things that are going to happen in your life and business that are going to feel like they’re insurmountable.

But when you show up with a willingness to confront your fears and tackle things head on – that’s when you become unstoppable.

What is the story you’re telling yourself for why you can’t succeed?

Hint: whenever a thought starts with “I’m not the type of person who…..” – you’re putting limits on your growth.

Whether you’re telling yourself:

  • I’m not the type of person who’s good at sales calls
  • I’m not the type of person who’s confident in front of the camera
  • I’m not the type of person who can lead and manage a team

You’re keeping yourself small. 

You HAVE to decide that your desire for growth is larger than your desire to stay comfortable.

For example…I do a lot of video.

Do I always enjoy being on video? 


Sometimes I feel physically self-conscious.

But I do what it takes and I show up – even on the days I don’t feel like it.

I remember being invited to speak on stage having gained 40 pounds in front of hundreds of people.

Was I terrified?

You bet.

But I realized that sharing my message so I could create impact was MORE important than how I felt about my physical appearance.

It’s not about you. It’s about the message. You get to be the vessel.

Face your fears and show up for your business, no matter what the voice that doubts you says.

8. Agents who can’t be adaptable

The only thing that is certain in life is change.

How willing are you to ADAPT to new ways of doing things?

It’s so easy to get caught up in an identity.

You might tell yourself “I’m a cold-caller!”, or “I run a referral-based business”.

But I have to ask…

How’s that working for you right now?

Is it unlimitedly scalable?

Are you building the business of your dreams?

Or are you just doing what you’ve always done?

The number one thing that is going to make you successful over time is being adaptable. 

It all comes back to the theory of evolution.

Those that survive and thrive, whether it be a species, or a business, are those who are able and willing to adapt.

Think about the kinds of companies that have failed over the last 10 years.

Take Blockbuster, for example.

They didn’t adapt fast enough to the digital economy and didn’t get online.

You don’t get to operate your business the same way for 10 years and expect continuous success.

Without evolution, at a certain point, things will start to plateau – and eventually, decline. If you’re not willing to ever adapt, you may as well quit real estate while you’re still ahead.

9. Agents who make the industry look bad

Do you want to know what professionals DON’T do?

They don’t treat each other like crap.

They don’t behave so badly that they put a stain on an entire industry.

Because the unfortunate truth is – there are agents out there doing exactly that.

One particular story that comes to mind is when I was selling my house in Toronto.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you might know that I originally got into real estate because of my Mom. She’s a real estate veteran who’s been in the industry for 35 years.

And so, I chose her as the agent to list my home.

When my Mom listed my house, we had an obscene amount of offers come in (it was a low inventory market).

One day, I overheard an agent speaking to my Mom on the phone.

And I became enraged. 

He was yelling and swearing at my mom on the phone.

It wasn’t a good look. I took the phone from my Mom and told this agent how he’d royally screwed up.

From that point on, it no longer mattered what kind of offer he proposed.

I simply didn’t want the commission going into that agent’s pocket.

After we sold the home, his clients called for weeks in tears asking why they didn’t get the house – even with the incredible offer they submitted.

It broke my heart to tell them that it wasn’t about them, it wasn’t about the offer…

It was about the agent they chose to help them purchase a home.

Agents like that make our entire industry look bad. If you’re not able to act with integrity, I 100% believe you should quit real estate so that you stop bringing other agents down!

Again, if you want to be treated with respect, be respectful.

Stop trying to win through manipulative, sleazy techniques.

Be kind and courteous to others in the industry.

And take your business seriously. 

Stop with the spray and pray random acts of marketing, and START showing up consistently for your ideal clients.

I genuinely love this industry and think we can do better.

So if you see yourself in any of the points above, the question is…

Are you ready to step up?

If the answer is yes, apply for The Listings Lab to build a scalable real estate business that offers you true freedom.

Get all the details and apply for mentorship here. 

4 Real Estate Business Tips For The Agent Ready To Scale

Looking for real estate business tips to grow like crazy?

You’re in the right place.

Because let’s be real…

You can live and breathe real estate.

You can know your market inside out.

But the most successful agents out there aren’t just real estate obsessed.

They’re masterful business people.

They’ve honed in on their messaging, their marketing, and their niche.

They’ve learned how to leverage social media so that their lead flow never drys up.

And they’re constantly evolving to keep up with the times and stay relevant in the eyes of their ideal clients. 

Ready to become the go-to agent in your market?

Read these four expert real estate business tips to learn how.

Consider Your Sphere of Influence

Many people will consider your sphere of influence to be your friends, family, and immediate contacts.

But I look at the sphere of influence a little bit differently. 

I consider anyone who’s engaged with me on any sort of platform to be included in my sphere of influence. 

That engagement is the start of a relationship.

And anyone you’re able to build a relationship with is someone you’re able to influence.

It’s time to start expanding what you consider your sphere of influence. 

And when you do, you’ll experience so much MORE.

  • More referrals
  • More clients 
  • More opportunities
  • And more brand evangelism 

The bottom line is this.

People don’t necessarily have to have worked with you in order to refer you. 

When I was selling real estate, I had TONS of people who referred to us but had never actually worked with us.

They were in their forever homes and didn’t have a need for our services. 

But even though they weren’t moving, they were following along with what we were doing. 

And so whenever one of their connections – be it a friend, a family member, or a co-worker – said they were moving?

They’d tell them – you should really talk to Jess.

The ONLY reason we were doing that is that we were consistently showing up online to influence others. Not only were we striving to influence our hottest leads – we strived to influence anyone who had influence. 

Because we ALL have influence.

Think about the six degrees of separation. We’re all interconnected. 

And even more so with the rise of social media platforms. 

You never know who’s keeping tabs on you and ready to say your name in a room full of people. 

Keep Up With Technology 

Keeping up with technology is probably every business owner’s biggest challenge. 

Especially when it comes to social media platforms, things just change SO quickly.

But this is not an excuse to throw your hands in the air and give up.

When you refuse to grow, learn and adapt – you become obsolete. You become irrelevant to your ideal clients.

This is a HUGE reason why I insisted on giving lifetime access for our signature program, The Listings Lab. 

We originally started out as a 90-day program where agents would come in and out.

But I quickly realized the limitations of this model.

Marketing is constantly changing. 

When you enroll in The Listings Lab, you have access to an entire team who’s keeping the pulse on real estate marketing trends.

I’m not teaching people techniques like cold-calling, that haven’t changed since the seventies. 

Social media changes by the minute. 

So what we’ve done is this.

We’ve taken on the role of us keeping up to date so that we can keep everyone in our programs up to date.

As an agent you’re busy. You might not necessarily be watching trends, and updates and keeping up with algorithms changes.

But whether you have support like that or you’re on your own – you HAVE to keep up. 

It’s simply science. It’s natural selection. 

The businesses that will survive and thrive are the ones that are the most adaptable. 

What happens to many agents is that they resist technology for so long that it becomes impossible to catch up and it gets away from them.

Don’t be that agent. Don’t put an end date on your business.

Become A Masterful Marketer

As an agent, you really have two jobs.

Being an agent.

And being a marketer.

When so many agents get into this business, they think they’re going to spend ALL of their time selling real estate and doing traditional realtor work.

When in reality, the client generation side is JUST as important (if not more).

Your lead flow is the lifeblood of your business.

And it always amazes me how so many agents fail to give marketing the serious attention it deserves. 

You could be the best agent in the world, but if you’re not a good marketer – you won’t have any clients.

And no clients = no work.

You can’t rely on your immediate network for all your deals.

Many agents mistakenly assume their friends, family, and connections will ALL hire them simply because of familiarity. 

But think about it.

Buying or selling a home is one of the biggest financial decisions your clients will ever make in their lives. 

They’re going to always choose the person who they think will get them the best results. Personal connections won’t necessarily just work with you because you’re friendly. 

These days, it can feel like everyone and their dog has a real estate license.

I’m from a market that has 60,000 licensed agents, so trust me, I get it.

But what you need to know is this.

In any given market, 10-20% of agents are going to get 80-90% of the business. 

Want to be in that top 10%?

Then you HAVE to start taking your marketing seriously. 

Niche Down

So many agents hate me for saying this.

But if you want to be successful in real estate, you *have* to stop trying to appeal to everyone.

And you have to pick a real estate niche.

The worst messaging you can have as an agent sounds like:

“Call me for all of your real estate needs!”


“ I can help you buy, sell, rent and invest from here to Timbuktu!”

Believe it or not, there’s an element of scarcity in that sort of messaging that you may not even recognize, but that comes across to other people. 

Those of us in the real estate industry have become so used to hearing certain verbiage that we’ve lost track of what it sounds like to the public.

And what does it sounds like?

It sounds like “I’ll take whatever I can get”.

The reality is this.

If you want to be treated like a professional, you have to act like a professional. 

So many agents tell me they want to be treated like a lawyer, or an accountant. They want to be offered the same respect and esteem.

But think about it this way.

You would NEVER go to a criminal lawyer when you’re looking for support with contract law.

You would NEVER go to a pediatrician when you need brain surgery.

There are specialties in every high-quality field.

Realtors love to be generalists when in reality, it only hurts their business. 

So if you truly want to stand out in your market, you have to answer the questions:

  • Who do you serve?
  • What is the problem you solve?
  • How do you solve it?
  • What is your expert methodology, or specific process, to help your clients get to where they want to go? 

The more specific you are, the higher chances that you’ll stand out to that group of people. 

You’re able to break through the noise and create an opening for yourself. 

And that opening allows you to develop a relationship with prospects and nurture them – taking them from stranger to client.

The way you do this is to embrace marketing and sales psychology so that you become the #1 choice in your ideal client’s eyes.


Want to learn more about how to do exactly that? 

Download The Listings Lab Method Guide to learn our methodology to fill your calendar with appointments. All without time-consuming tactics or sleazy marketing gimmicks.

Get the guide here. 

Real Estate Sales Funnel: 9 Things Every Agent Should Include To Convert Prospects Into Clients

Ever wonder what it really means when people say you should be working on your real estate sales funnel? 

Crafting a solid funnel is one of those digital marketing pieces that so many agents tend to neglect.

Instead, you might be focused on cold-calling, handing out flyers, and other old-school marketing techniques.

But when you take the time to not only become a masterful real estate agent, but also a masterful marketer, that’s when your real estate business will SOAR.

Take our member Heather in The Listings Lab for example. She was able to generate $150 million in volume through mastering her messaging and leveraging organic social media platforms. 

Browse more success stories like Heather’s here. 

In this post, we’ll cover:

  1. What Is A Real Estate Sales Funnel
  2. The 4 Foundations of Your Funnel
  3. The Biggest Mistakes Most Agents Make When Creating Their Funnel
  4. A Powerful 9-Point Funnel Sequence To Convert Prospects Into Clients

Ready to master your sales funnel so you can scale from six to seven figures?

Read on!

What Is A Real Estate Sales Funnel? 

A funnel is a psychological structure designed to take someone from prospect to customer.

From stranger to client.

From not knowing who you are…to knowing, liking, and trusting you.

Your funnel is what helps your ideal client see you as the solution to their problem.

Sure, your funnel might consist of a series of opt-ins, a webinar, an email sequence, or a Facebook ad campaign.

But all of those things still don’t make up a funnel. 

They’re simply vehicles or tools to build out your funnel. But if the basic psychological structure isn’t there, it doesn’t matter what marketing platform or the tech you use – it’s not going to convert.

So let’s get into the four core foundational pieces of your funnel before going into detail about the 9-point messaging sequence!

Foundations Of Your Real Estate Sales Funnel 

Building a funnel is all about creating relationships at scale with your ideal clients.

Here are four foundational pieces you absolutely need to get clear on before you start your real estate sales funnel. 

Get Clear On Who You Want to Attract

Who are you targeting? 

One key note…

When you’re getting clear on who you want to attract, it’s NEVER going to be from a geolocation perspective. 

It *has* to be from a psychological perspective. 

You simply cannot use buyer psychology if you’re geo farming. 

In any one ZIP code, you’ll have a variety of prospects, each with their unique set of problems. You might have upsizers, downsizers, investors, first-time buyers…and on and on and on.

This is why we always recommend choosing your real estate niche based on the type of human being or life transition they’re going through! 

Get Clear On Your Methodology 

What is the actual problem you solve for your clients? 

This step is about understanding your ideal client’s problems, fears, and desires and how your services address those needs in a way that nobody else does. 

It’s all about developing a signature system that boosts your overall value proposition. 

Get Clear On Your Message

Understanding how to speak to your ideal clients in a way that resonates with them and builds connection is a skill that many agents neglect. 

But it is so vital to having a high-converting real estate sales funnel.

Create An Asset Around Your Method

The fourth step is to create an asset around your method or signature system. You want to document your method and turn it into something that can be used as a lead magnet. 

The goal is to indoctrinate people into your methodology so they warm up to your system before they ever get on the phone with you.

Biggest Mistakes Agents Make When Creating Their Sales Funnel 

Before we get into the 9-point funnel, I want to share some of the most common mistakes agents make with their real estate sales funnel so you can learn how to avoid them.

Forgetting Your Funnel Is A Work In Progress

Remember, planning and executing your funnel is a process. It’s all about launching, collecting feedback, iterating, launching, collecting feedback, iterating. 

Over and over again. 

When you get hung up or over-think any one piece of the puzzle, it’s going to cause delays and slow you down. And you may not even end up getting a full funnel built!

Thinking A Real Estate Sales Funnel Is Just A Collection Of Content

Your funnel is so much more than just various pieces of content. In reality, it’s a psychological journey you take your prospects on.

Focusing on The Wrong Avatar 

Your funnel is never going to convert if you don’t have genuine expertise and experience with the audience you’re looking to target. Make sure that you choose an ideal client avatar going through a life transition that you’re truly an expert at – or one that you’ve gone through yourself.

Getting Overly Focused on The Tech

Once you get to a certain level in your business, creating great content should be a habit. Your funnel is just an extension of that process. 

Most funnels fail because people focus too heavily on the tech. They focus on the systems and not the psychology behind their funnel.

95% of the time, there’s nothing wrong with the tech.

Rather, there’s a deeper problem going on. There could be issues with your messaging, offer, or avatar

9-Point Messaging Sequence For Your Real Estate Sales Funnel 

Are you ready for it? 

Here’s the nine-point real estate sales funnel any agent can use to build trust with their clients online and become the #1 option in their market.

Implementing this funnel is all about doing three things.

  1. Selling The Problem
  2. Selling The Process
  3. Selling The Solution

Let me show you how to do all three. 

Sell The Problem 

In order to sell the problem, you must get clear on three things – your audience’s pain, problem, and the stakes and consequences of said problem.


If you don’t understand your ideal client’s pain, you’ll never be able to sell your services.

Because here’s the deal…

People don’t move because it’s fun. They move because they’re experiencing some sort of pain. The whole reason people begin looking for a solution is that their current situation isn’t working for them.

So many agents neglect the pain piece when in reality it’s incredibly important. 

You have to be able to answer the questions – what’s driving the move?

Because again, it has to be pretty serious if they’re willing to pack up their entire lives and put it into boxes, list their house, live like they’re in a museum for weeks, secure financing, and the list goes on and on.

A key note when we’re talking about pain points is we want to use very specific language. 

These pain points should conjure up a mental picture for your ideal client.

What does the pain look like? What does it sound like? What does it feel like?

And if you’re not clear on these things, you most likely want to go back to the drawing board and do more market research. 


Getting clear on the problem means you understand two things.

What your client *thinks* the problem is

And what the true, underlying problem actually is

Sometimes these might be the same, but often there will be a disconnect.

Your client might assume the problem is that the kids are fighting or that they’re arguing lots as a couple.

When in reality, you know as the agent that the underlying problem is the lack of space they have in their home.

Or maybe, it’s that there are four people sharing a bathroom. Or that the kids don’t have their own room. 

So you want to be able to identify…

What’s the pain they’re experiencing?

And what’s the underlying reason they’re experiencing this pain (the problem)?


And the last thing we want to get clear about is the stakes and consequences. 

What happens if they don’t solve the problem? 

What’s going to keep happening? 

What does the compound effect look like? 

What will things look like in a year? 

You want to paint the nightmare scenario.

When you’re able to get clear on the pain, problem, and stakes and consequences, you’ll have everything you need to sell the problem – the first key step in your real estate sales funnel.

Sell The Process

Next up, we need to sell your unique process.

To do this, we need to share your story, your qualifications, and your proof. 

Your Story/Qualifications

Your story and qualifications should essentially answer the question – who are you and why should people listen to you?

You should be able to answer:

  • What are your personal beliefs?
  • What is your personal philosophy?
  • What is your story?
  • What are your core values?

Your Method

Your differentiator can’t be something like, “I’m the agent who cares more!” or “I’m the number one agent in [X] ZIP code!”

It has to be the systematic approach you’ve used to get proven results and help your clients overcome their problem.

The amount you share about your signature process will heavily depend on where your prospects are at within your real estate sales funnel. 

Early on, you may only share the surface-level pieces of it. But as people get further into the funnel, and they get more accustomed to you and seeing you and consuming your content, then you can go more in-depth. You want to give them a behind-the-scenes look at what your process entails and the method you use to achieve results.

One of the BIGGEST mistakes so many agents make is they think they need to wait until a listing presentation to go over their signature method.

But in reality, your potential clients should be fully educated on most of your process or signature system before you ever get in the door. 

Social Proof

Last but not least, the final part of selling your process is sharing social proof. 

Social proof refers to:

  • Case studies
  • Testimonials
  • Client results

Basically, anything you can use to back up the fact that your services provide the transformation you say they do.

You want to be able to walk your ideal clients through the story of where past clients were when they first started working with you – and paint a clear picture of how your services changed their lives.

Your leads need to see real examples so they can picture themselves in your clients shoes!

Once you’ve nailed down your story and qualifications, unique method, and have gathered some social proof, you’ll be able to start signing more inbound clients.

Sell The Solution

Finally, there are three key steps to close the sale and make sure you sell your solution.

Handle Objections 

The first one is to skillfully handle any objections.

I’m sure you’ve been at a listing presentation before and you’re getting some sort of pushback.

Whether it’s the commission, or the fact that your potential client has an uncle who’s an agent…there’s always going to be something.

As an agent, it’s your responsibility to not only address these objections – but to overcome them.

And the best place to do that is in your real estate sales funnel.

That way, when your prospect meets with you, they don’t need to be convinced. They’ve already bought into your signature system and your strategic content has busted any objections that would prevent them from taking action.


Spend some time thinking about:

  • What can your ideal clients expect when they apply your system to their life? 
  • What are the results?
  • What are the outcomes? 
  • What circumstances do they want?
    Where will they be a year after working with you? 
  • How will their life look different? 

All of these questions make up your vision. 

Your vision goes beyond just telling prospects that you’ll help them get the most money for their house. That’s what every other agent out there is saying –  and it’s why so much real estate marketing just gets filtered as noise.

Really good marketing is getting someone’s head nodding. It’s being able to articulate what’s in the back of someone’s head better than they can. Because when you can do that, they’ll automatically credit you with the solution.


And last but not least is action. What is the next step?

You want to make sure you’re giving your prospects a clear action to deepen the relationship.

Whether that’s booking a call, signing up for a video webinar that you’re doing, or making a listing appointment.

When you’re able to create a sequence that addresses all of these nine core areas:

  • Pain 
  • Problem
  • Stakes & Consequences
  • Your Story & Qualifications
  • Your Methodology
  • Your Proof
  • Objections
  • Vision
  • And Action

You have everything you need to establish authority, develop a connection with your ideal client, and become the go-to agent for them. 

If you want to dive deeper into the sales and marketing psychology required to consistently attract qualified real estate leads on autopilot, be sure to download The Listings Lab Method Guide.

In this highly valuable 20-page guide, you’ll learn how to master the principles of The Listings Lab Method – relevancy, omnipresence, and intimacy so you can be the only choice for your ideal clients.

Get The Guide Here

How Real Estate Team Leaders Can Master Delegation And Step Into Their CEO Shoes

Are you a real estate team leader on the brink of burnout? 

Let me guess…

You started your business for freedom. For impact. For unlimited income.

But in reality, what’s happened is that you’ve created a system where you’re trading hours for dollars – and where nothing happens unless you do it yourself.

Sure, you might have a couple of team members or even a VA.

But you’re still the one sailing the ship. 

And every single microscopic decision rests on YOUR shoulders. 

When many of our members in The 7-Figure Agent came to us for support, they were in the exact same position. 

But through mastering the art of delegation they were able to transform from busy and burned-out team leaders to calm and in-control CEOs.

Take Justin as an example. He was able to take all of the free time he gained and put it towards building an ice skating rink for his kids.

Or Heather, who went from being glued to her phone and computer 24/7 to having plenty of time to spend with her new partner and kids.

If you want to get results like them, keep reading to figure out the first steps to regain your time and sense of peace in your business.

Limiting Beliefs That Keep Busy Real Estate Team Leaders Stuck

If you’ve brought on a team, but still find yourself bogged down in piles and piles of work…

You might be caught up in a limiting belief around leadership and delegation.

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

  • “No one is going to do it as good as me”
  • “It’s going to take too much time to train someone”
  • “It’s easier for me to do it”
  • “I wish there were two of me”
  • “I wish there were 36 hours in a day!”

There are dozens of limiting beliefs that might be preventing you from scaling a real estate business, but these are some of the most common ones. 

And trust me, I’ve said every single one of these things at some point as well.

But when you’re able to ditch these mindset traps and start embodying a real estate CEO, everything changes.

  • You’re able to clone yourself and work in your zone of genius 
  • You’re able to continuously gain 1 hour/week of free time (or even an extra hour a day!)
  • You’re able to triple your business working only HALF the time (and  only on things you love)

Are you ready to become a master delegator? Let’s get into the three steps to start freeing up your precious time!

1. Identify Your CURRENT Job Description As A Team Leader

In order to start getting tasks off your plate, we first need to identify where your time is currently going. 

The best way to do that is to conduct an energy-audit in your business.

Here’s how that works. 

For one week straight, I want you to log and record ALL of the tasks you spend your time on.

Get brutally honest. If you log in and check your email 15 times a day, write down that you’ve checked your email 15 times.

These tasks don’t only have to be related to business.

They can also be things like laundry, preparing meals, running errands, or picking up and dropping off your kids.

We want to get a holistic view of where your time is going.

By doing this exercise, you’ll be able to determine:

  • How much time each week is going to certain tasks
  • Whether you’re spending your time efficiently and on CEO-level tasks
  • If there are certain tasks that are consuming your time that could either be automated or delegated

The summary of these tasks make up your current real estate team leader job description. 

But now, it’s time to move on to step number two where we’ll create your CEO job description. 

Let’s go! 

2. Create Your New CEO Job Description

There’s a reason I’m using the term CEO rather than team leader. 

You have to understand…

You’re the CEO of a company.

It is your responsibility to set the vision of the business.

The traditional team leader in a real estate model is broken. Many of the ways agents have been taught to delegate and leverage are outdated.

Many agents fall victim to ‘unicorn syndrome’ thinking that their real estate business is different compared to any other type of business out there.

But they’re not. 

In reality, a real estate business functions just like any other business. 

And one of those foundational pieces that’s needed across any industry is a leadership team. 

You as the CEO sets the vision, and then your leadership team carries out the implementation of that vision. They make it happen!

I’m at a point in my business where although I may have my fingers in a lot of things, I’m not so involved in most day-to-day operations.

Your job as the CEO is mostly to stay in your zone of genius. 

Your zone of genius is the things that you’re great at and that you love doing.

They’re the $1000/hour tasks that are going to produce the highest ROI from your time.

To get clear on your zone of genius, try this exercise. 

Categorize the tasks you’ve brain dumped into four different categories.

  1. Things you love doing and you’re great at
  2. Things you like doing and you’re good at
  3. Things that you don’t like doing but you’re good at
  4. Things that you don’t like doing and you’re not good at

Category one is your zone of genius – this is where you want to be. 

Category two are tasks that you enjoy doing and you’re good at, but they still don’t necessarily need to be done by you. These are things that you plan to delegate in the next 90 days or so.

Category three are things that you should work on outsourcing sooner rather than later. Even if you’re “good” at something, if you don’t actually enjoy it, it’s most likely a task that drains your energy.

Because at the end of the day, you have a choice.

You can either fill your energy tank or deplete it. 

As a CEO, you must commit to energy elevation.

We want to have you ending your days buzzing with energy – not flopped down on the couch watching Netflix because you’re so exhausted.

And category four are tasks you should never, EVER be doing. If you are currently doing tasks in category four, you should try to outsource or automate them ASAP because they will massively slow your business growth. 

The other thing you want to keep in mind when creating your CEO job description is the type of tasks and their true value.

For example, before members join The 7-Figure Agent they’re often spending a ton of their time on $10/hour tasks. 

No matter how much you love doing it – any $10/hour task needs to come off your plate. 

A $10/hour task should always be automated or given to a VA.

Because the sooner you outsource these tasks, the sooner you can get to the work that will truly move the needle and drive revenue in your business. 

Here are some examples of task values in business: 

  • Low – $10/hour tasks. For example…basic customer service, basic graphic design, monitoring your inbox, etc.
  • Medium – $250/hour tasks. For example…content creation, SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) creation, project management, etc.
  • High – $1000/hour tasks. For example…Creating new videos, strategic partnerships, sales calls, public speaking, etc.

Ask yourself –

How much time am I spending on $10/hour tasks?

On $250/hour tasks?

On $1000/hour tasks?

Routinely spending time on $1000/hour tasks can be the difference between a $100,000/year business and a million dollar business.

3. Start Delegating Like A Pro 

Once you’ve got clear on all the tasks on your plate…

The high-value and low-value tasks…

The tasks that fall outside your zone of genius and the tasks that drain your energy…

You can start figuring out what you need to document and then delegate.

The first step to delegating any tasks is to make sure you’ve documented and created clear instructions for how this task needs to be done.

This is often referred to as an SOP (Standard Operating Procedure).

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when documenting and delegating.

Don’t Overcomplicate It 

Many real estate team leaders will try to spend hours and hours perfecting their SOPs.

When in reality, there is no need to overcomplicate the process.

If you tend to get caught up in perfectionist tendencies…remember.

The first version doesn’t have to be perfect.

In fact, the person to who the task is being delegated can spend time on it to make it perfect!

Use The Right Tech

The two tools you’re going to use to document your tasks are:

  1. A project management tool
  2. And a screen recording software

The ones we recommend are Asana for project management and Loom for screen recording. 

But really, as long as you have a project management tool that integrates with Zapier, you’re good to go!

A project management tool is so important because you want your task instructions to be stored in a place where your team is executing the tasks. You don’t want them to be stored in some obscure folder where no one’s ever looking!

Give All The Key Details About The Task

In your SOP, you want to answer the questions:

  • What is the task?
  • Why is the task important?
  • How should the task be completed?
  • How do you know when the task is complete?
  • On average, how long should the task take to complete?
  • And any additional resources, logins, or tools required to complete the task

In The 7-Figure Agent, we teach our members to share both a video (using Loom) AND written instructions in a Google document with their team.

People learn in different ways, so having the task SOP’s in both formats will make sure that each team member has what they need to get properly trained.

Give Proper Feedback

This is the part of the delegation process that SO many real estate team leaders neglect.

Even if you put time and effort into your SOPs, your team members are human and they will still make mistakes.

You can’t expect someone to complete a task perfectly the first time they do it.

You have to continuously give someone feedback until they know exactly how you want it done.

Whatever you do – don’t get angry and frustrated and take the task back.

Eventually, with proper training and feedback, your team members will be able to completely own the task.

Another thing to remember?

Delegation is a continuous process. 

If you want to transform from busy, frazzled real estate team leader into a calm, collected CEO, you have to constantly monitor your time.

I close out all of my days by journaling on how I spent my time.

I ask myself…

Were there any tasks I spent time on today that could’ve been outsourced? That could have been automated?

And if the answer is YES, I’ll discuss a plan with my team to get those tasks off my plate as soon as possible.

Your time and energy as CEO is precious.

And when you learn to guard it and only spend it on the things that drive momentum, you’ll see the incredible business growth I know you’re craving.

Want to learn more about building a 7-figure real estate business?

Book a call with our team to see if our real estate mentorship programs are right for you. 


Secrets For How To Get More Listings (Without Putting In More Hours)

It’s the question on every agent’s mind…

How can I get more listings? 

You can read about all sorts of methods, but the reality is, most of them have a ceiling.

Sure, cold-calling and manual prospecting might get you to six figures, but will it get you to seven? 

What got you here won’t get you there. 

If you’ve hit the 6-figure mark and you’re ready to scale to the multi-six or seven-figure mark, you have to approach marketing your real estate business in a completely new way. 

Read on to learn more about how millionaire real estate agents approach things differently in order to increase their success with listings.  

Consider Scalability, Always 

A lot of the time, six-figure agents think that if they want to get to seven figures, they just need to work harder. They just need to do more of what they’re doing right now.

But this is very untrue. 

Getting to the next level in your real estate business isn’t about doing more of what you’re currently doing. 

It’s about doing LESS.

It’s about being strategic and only focusing your efforts on things that are truly scalable. 

Any time I’m making any decision in my business, I ask myself two things:

  1. Is it unlimitedly scalable?
  2. Do I enjoy it?

If the answer is no to either of those things, it’s not happening.

I don’t add anything to my plate that isn’t required for growth and doesn’t bring me joy or fulfillment.

At the end of the day, you’re building YOUR business. 

So often, people will build their businesses off of a bunch of stuff that they *think* is necessary, or because someone told them they *should* do it.

But when you dig deeper, you realize that a lot of these shoulds aren’t adding to your bottom line. And they’re wasting your energy. 

Your energy is everything as a CEO, so don’t waste it by building a business that you hate. 

Switch To A 1-1: Many Model 

Let’s say your main strategy for getting more listings has been prospecting and referrals.

Sure, you might post a social media post here or there – but for the most part, your business is built around you hunting for clients and word of mouth.

If this is ringing true for you, let me ask you a question…

If you wanted to DOUBLE your business this year, would you be able to DOUBLE your sales and marketing efforts?If your current strategy is prospecting and spending three hours a day manually calling people – do you have six hours a day to get double the number of leads?

While on top of that, still having enough time, bandwidth, and energy to be able to handle twice as many clients?

99% of the time, the answer will be no.

So what’s the solution? 

You have to switch from building your business on a 1:1 model to a 1:many model.

Back in the day, the only way to do a 1:many model was to host a seminar.

But nowadays, with the internet and social media platforms, it’s easier than ever to implement a 1:many model in your real estate business.

Manual tactics will only get you so far. If you want to truly learn how to get more listings without working more hours, you *need* to start leveraging your time by implementing 1:many marketing strategies. 

Be Ruthless With Your Focus

One of the biggest productivity killers in your real estate business is split focus.

If you want to increase your success with listings, you have to go all in. 

All in on one strategy.

All in on one avatar. 

All in on one offer.

Experts stay in their lane rather than getting caught up in shiny object syndrome.

Become A Master in Human Psychology

Human psychology drives absolutely everything you’re doing in business. 

And if you’ve been successful in real estate up until this point, you probably already have skills in this area. 

You know how to talk to people. You know how to listen deeply to their needs. You’ve essentially played the role of therapist to hundreds of people.

(Because let’s be real, buying or selling your home is one of the most stressful and emotional experiences your client may have in their lifetime).

But for some reason, when it comes to applying that same human psychology to their real estate marketing, a lot of agents put blinders on and forget how much they really know.

Do you want to start leveraging human psychology in your marketing?

Read this post about the nine cognitive biases in marketing agents can leverage to start getting more listings. 

Nail Your Content Marketing Strategy 

Building a real estate business that brings in consistent leads isn’t just about being a good agent.

It’s about being a good marketer.

And one of the best ways you can practice doing that is to nail down your content strategy.

This doesn’t have to be difficult.

In fact, there’s a good chance you’re probably overcomplicating your real estate content marketing strategy.

When people tell me, “I’ve run out of content ideas!” 

The problem is often their perspective.

Because when you begin filtering your life through a content marketing perspective, you realize – everything is content.

Every time you see a client, meet a prospect, or get on a call with someone and they ask you a question…that can become a piece of content. 

The answers to these questions will help you fill your authority content bucket. 

Next, get out a pen and paper and do a brain dump of your entire life.

I mean it!

  • Where you were born?
  • What’s your family like?
  • What’s your favorite childhood memory

Write it all out, in chronological order, in point form.

Just from doing that one exercise alone, you could probably create hundreds of posts to fill your personal content bucket. 

Next, you want to gather up all of your case studies, testimonials, and PR to make up your social proof content bucket. 

If you don’t have PR yet – that’s okay (but it’s definitely something to work towards because it can contribute to explosive growth in your business!).

Maybe you don’t even have a ton of testimonials – you’ve been forgetting to get them from clients. 

But what you do have is deals.

Say, for example, you’ve done 80 transactions in your career. 

Every single deal that you have ever done has a story. 

And those stories can become case studies. 

When you start looking at your content like this, you realize it’s actually incredibly easy to come up with content ideas.

If you want a more in-depth guide to these content types, be sure to check out our detailed post on the three types of real estate content for social media. 

When it really comes down to it, more hustling is not what’s going to get you to seven figures. 

It doesn’t matter how hard you grind.

Believing that you have to work yourself to the bone to find success is an incredibly old-school mentality. 

Learning how to get more listings does not come down to figuring out how to pack more hours into your schedule. 

It comes down to working smarter, not harder.

To creating an audience and building a business based on 1:many.

To leveraging human psychology and content marketing to start having leads reach out  to you – rather than you having to hunt them down. 

Ready to build a scalable real estate business so you can get more listings without putting in more hours?

Be sure to download our free The Listings Lab Guide so you can start filling your calendar with appointments without time-consuming tactics like door-knocking and manual prospecting.

Get The Guide Here