10 Biggest Mistakes I Made As A Real Estate Agent

Picture of Jess Lenouvel on the Stage of The Listings Lab Reality Event | MIstakes That Real Estate Agents Make

One of the fastest ways to succeed in real estate is to learn from others’ mistakes.

And trust me, I’ve made plenty! From limiting mindsets to leadership growing pains and marketing mishaps, I’ve experienced it all.

But these struggles aren’t unique. Through my mentorship programs, I’ve guided thousands of agents through similar challenges. Many have gone on to build thriving multi-6 and 7-figure businesses by avoiding these common pitfalls.

Let’s get into the ten biggest lessons I’ve learned from my real estate business so you can sidestep these mistakes and accelerate your success. 

1. Listening to advice from mentors who didn’t align with my vision.

Too many agents follow the advice from mentors before asking themselves:

“Do they actually have the life I want?”

I was guilty of this, too.

I built my real estate business up to 7-figures, but it drained the life out of me. In part, because a lot of the people I followed at the time preached a “hustle” mindset.

When I was on the verge of burnout, I made a conscious decision to do things differently.

I realized the importance of aligning myself with mentors who embodied the lifestyle I truly desired.

This shift in perspective was crucial for rebuilding my business in a way that actually enhanced my life, rather than depleting it.

2. Not letting go of team members who weren’t a good fit soon enough.

One of the most important parts of leadership is having the courage to have difficult conversations. Equally important is being radically honest when something (or someone) isn’t a good fit. 

I made the mistake of holding onto team members even when I knew they weren’t right for the role, thinking it was kinder to keep them on. I avoided having uncomfortable conversations about their performance, because I wanted them to like me. 

These people-pleasing tendencies had a negative ROI on my business.

Don’t let your desire to be liked be greater than your desire to do what’s best for the business. 

Remember that you are not your business. So rather than get caught up in your personal feelings, try to stay honest and objective about what’s working – and what’s not. 

3. Only advertising listings and thinking that’s enough to bring in a steady stream of clients. 

I fell into the trap of relying too heavily on ‘just listed’ and ‘just sold’ social media posts, believing this was enough to attract clients.

By relying on just listings, I wasn’t differentiating myself from other agents.

Instead of just showcasing properties, a more effective strategy involves storytelling, getting creative with content formats, and sharing detailed case studies of client experiences.

By focusing on the human element and the value you bring, you can create more engaging content that resonates with your ideal clients and distinguishes you as the go-to in your market! 

4. Being a generalist instead of niching down.

In the beginning, I tried to be all things to all people, spreading myself too thin and diluting my message.

By not specializing in a specific demographic, I struggled to stand out in a crowded market.

When you niche down, everything becomes easier.

Your marketing becomes more powerful, drawing in perfect-fit clients.

You start getting more referrals, because people know exactly who it is you help.

Your processes and systems become smoother because you’re not trying to offer a million different service packages.

Remember, in real estate, being known for something specific is far more valuable than trying to be everything to everyone.

Struggling to figure out your real estate niche?

Check out this blog I wrote for some inspiration on profitable real estate niche ideas!

5. Chasing money instead of working with clients and on projects that brought joy and fulfillment.

I used to chase money at all costs. I’d take on any client, any deal just to fuel my ego and my bank account.

But working with anyone and everyone only led to burnout and dissatisfaction.

If you want to build a business that’s not just profitable but sustainable, it’s time to start being selective with the clients you take on. 

When you work with clients who align with your values and goals, you’ll find yourself more energized, creative, and successful in the long run.

6. Spending ad budget without a systematized plan.

Ads are now a huge part of my marketing strategy. But when I first started out in real estate, I wasted money on ineffective ads and boosting posts randomly without a strategy. 

And I see SO many real estate agents who make the same mistake.

Here’s what you need to know. 👇🏼

Ads are not a magic bullet. You have to validate your messaging and organic content first before jumping into the paid game. 

Go in with a strategic plan rather than thinking that boosting random posts is going to build a successful business.

7. Being a control freak and afraid to delegate tasks to my team. 

One of the biggest mistakes I made as a real estate agent was thinking no one could do the job as well as I could.

My perfectionism and lack of trust in others led me to micromanage and take on WAY too much.

I was very much caught up in the “lone wolf” mentality and it ended up stunting my business growth and leading to burnout.

If you find yourself falling into these limiting beliefs, remind yourself it IS possible to find a team of A-Players who will treat your business like their own.

Learning to delegate and trust your team is the only way to scale your business to 7 figures – without it consuming your life. 

8. Not prioritizing building my personal brand.

In the early days, I made the mistake of hiding behind my business instead of showing up as my authentic self. I rarely showed my face in my content and was terrified of making videos.

I convinced myself it didn’t matter – my clients only followed me for real estate advice, right?

This approach held me back and stunted my growth.

Without a
strong personal brand as an agent – you will always struggle to stand out in a competitive market.

Once I pushed past my fear and started putting myself out there – showing up on video, sharing my story, and demonstrating my knowledge – everything changed. 

I attracted more clients who resonated with my approach, and my business grew faster than ever.

Building a personal brand might initially feel uncomfortable, but the results are so worth it. 

9. Not being decisive enough in making important decisions.

I often found myself in a state of indecision, trying to keep all options open.

This led to missed opportunities and wasted energy.

In business, money loves speed.

Learning to make quick, confident decisions – whether it’s a resounding yes or a firm no – is key for capitalizing on opportunities and maintaining momentum.

Decisive action speeds up results, accelerating both your learning AND earning. 💰

10. Spending too much time on busy work instead of my zone of genius. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks that keep you busy but don’t move the needle in your business. This is a mistake I see real estate agents make all the time – and it held me hostage for far too long.

Identifying your strengths and the activities that yield the highest return on investment is key.

Focus on these high-impact activities and delegate or eliminate the rest.

Learn more about how to find the needle-moving tasks in this post where I show you how to do an energy audit. 👇🏼

READ: Why Energy Management Is More Important Than Time Management For Real Estate Agents

These mistakes cost me years of stress and thousands of dollars – but you don’t have to repeat them. 

Avoiding these common mistakes real estate agents make is key to building a sustainable, profitable business. 

If you’re ready to ditch the hustle mentality and fast-track your success, let’s talk. 

Book a call with our team today to see how The Listings Lab can help you sidestep these pitfalls and create the real estate business you’ve always wanted. 

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